Wednesday 11 September 2013

Successful life

Anything we have in life or should I say we have achieved and won in life we have fought for. Right? Striving for success without the input of hard work, is like saying you want to harvest in a place where you haven't planted. Nothing is placed on a plate for us, we have to face many hurdles and overcome many trials to become a winner. And yes we agree that it all comes from Allah, but the two are not mutually exclusive.

There are universal gifts that Allah gives to all. Life, the soul, the will… beyond that, nothing is assured.
Breath? Some people fight to breathe. Food? Some people struggle for a bit of grain. Water? Some people work an entire day to get water. Health? Some people are born sick and fight for every day of their life. Freedom? Millions of children are born in refugee camps.

Allah gives us opportunities. He gives us abilities, talents, gifts, and it’s up to us to make something out of them. Allah gives us guidance and truth, but if we want to follow that truth then we will have to fight for it, and it won’t be easy. As soon as we dedicate our lives to truth, we will see obstacles appearing in our paths.

I don’t mean physically fight (though that is sometimes the case). I mean strive, struggle, work hard, deal with personal attacks and naysayers, stay positive, find a way forward when the path appears to be blocked, and refuse to give up!

If we want to pursue our dreams, we will have to struggle. If we want (halal) love in our life, if we want something real, if we want to make something happen, well then brothers and sisters, we will have to strive with all our might. That’s how it is.

Allah says;
“And those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide them to Our paths.”
[Quran, Al-Ankaboot, 29:69]

Never give up because you never know how close you are to the end. Remember Allah is always with us, have faith in Him, He will never let us down.

Spread the knowledge so it will be Sadqa-e-Jaaria (everlasting charity) for you and for me... In'Shaa'Allah.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action.” [Muslim 1893] 


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