Friday 13 September 2013

42Hadith Sahih Virtues Of The Prophet



Compiled by
Hafiz Abdullah son of Siddiq of Ghumara, Morocco

Translated by his disciples Anne Khadeijah and Ahmad Darwish
wardens of and

Distribution notes:
This work has been produced primarily for the open-minded English speaking non-Muslim as well as Muslims to read and enjoy. It presents to the reader a glimpse of the magnitude of Prophet Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him, and we learn first hand from him, without boasting, his description, some of his attributes and miracles.

We invite you to take this FREE download, and give away "as is" in its electronic format, or photocopy without alteration or addition, but not professional printing and publishing. We welcome you to post it on your web-site.

by Ahmad Darwish

The original Arabic edition details a wealth of academic references and hadith terminology all of which support the authenticity of the Prophet's statements quoted in this book coupled to the excellent discipline of its transmitters.

For the purpose of readability, this English translation has been abridged. Those seeking deeper academic knowledge will satisfy their need in the original Arabic edition available on

Introduction by Hafiz Abdullah Ben Siddique

Hafiz Abdullah said:
Praise be to Allah, the One, the Unique to whom we call upon for our needs. The One who was neither begotten nor did He beget - there is none equal to Him.

Exalted is He, I praise and thank Him, the High, and I seek His help and guidance, and I seek His forgiveness and bear witness that there is no god except He. He is the only One who creates and brings into being. Exalted is He, in Himself, His attributes and deeds. He is above having any partner or equal.

I bear witness that our Master Muhammad is the Worshipper and Messenger of Allah, and that He chose him, and he is His friend. Allah made him to be a prophet and took a covenant from all His prophets and says, "Then there shall come to you a Messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is with you, you shall believe in him and you shall support him to be victorious, do you agree and take My load on this?' They answered, 'We do agree.' Allah said, 'Then bear witness, and I will be with you among the witnesses.'" Koran 3.81.

Allah sent and supported him with astonishingly clear miracles and made him to surpass the miracles of other prophets as well as giving him specialties and honorable attributes. He expanded his chest and raised his remembrance and value. He has rewarded him in abundance and made his reward great. Allah made him to be the Seal of all the messengers and prophethood, and He made the religion he brought eternal, to remain up until the Day of Recompense. Allah praised and gave to him peace, and blessed him.

Allah increased him in honor and generosity with Him and gave him all manner of virtues, the like of which no one else can aspire. May Allah be pleased with his family and Companions, and whosoever is counted to be among his followers and his beloved.

Having said the foregoing, the following Forty Selected Prophetic Sayings Pertaining to the Virtues and True Value of the Last Messenger of the Creator to all Peoples of the Earth", I served the honorable rank of the Prophet and will astound the lover by his highly elevated rank.  It is with this that I am hopeful of receiving his intercession on the Day in which a person runs away from his brother, mother and father, and from the one who is close and loyal. I pray that Allah accepts it in a fine way, and removes from us every hardship, worry and sadness through His bounty and generosity. Indeed, He is the Owner of great bounty and the Owner of outspread, vast, generosity, in which no one who asks is refused. For He does not disappoint those who are hopeful of Him, especially when we ask the intercession of the most honorable and best of His creation who asks Him. Exalted is He, to realize our request and accept our supplication and erase our sins and repair our breakages for He is near and answers.

Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem
on Him we rely

 Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

"O Messenger of Allah when was the prophethood obligated for you?" He replied, "When Adam was between the status of the spirit and the body."

 Maysarah Al Fajr, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

"I asked , O Messenger of Allah, when did you become a prophet?" He replied, "When Adam was between the spirit and the body."

"O Messenger of Allah, when did you become a prophet?" He replied, "When Allah created the earth and willed to the heaven, and determined it seven heavens. When He created the Throne He wrote upon its leg, 'Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, he is the Seal of the Prophets.' And He created Paradise in which He housed Adam in Eve and wrote my name on the doors, leaves, domes, and tents while Adam was between the state of the spirit and  body, so when Allah, the High, revived him he looked at the Throne and saw my name. So Allah informed him, 'He is the master of your children.' When satan cheated them both they repented and both sought intercession by my name with Allah."

Ali, peace be upon him, said tells that the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"I issued from marriage and never issued from fornication since the time of Adam up to the time my father and mother gave me birth. I was never blemished by the fornication of the (pre-Islamic) time of ignorance."

Wathilah, Al Asqa's son said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, say:

'Allah chose Kenanah from the children of Ishmael, and from Kenanah He chose the Koraysh, and from the children of Koraysh He chose the children of Hashim and chose me from the children of Hashim.'"

 Al Irbad, Saryah's son, said that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"Indeed, I am the worshipper of Allah, and the Seal of the prophets when
Adam was in the status clay, and I will inform you about this. I am the supplication of my father Abraham, the glad tidings of Jesus, and the vision of my mother – and as such the mothers of the prophets see. And the mother of this Messenger, praise and peace be upon him, saw when she gave birth to me, a light that lit for her the palaces of Syria until she was able to see them."

Lady Ayesha, wife of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with her, said:

"The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, 'Gabriel told me: I looked to the east and the west of the earth and did not find a man more honorable than Muhammad, and I did not find the children of a father more honorable than the children of Hashim.'"

Jobair, Motam' son, said, I heard the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, say:
"Indeed for me there are names, I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, and I am the Eraser (Mahi) with whom Allah erases disbelief. I am the Assembler (Hashir) to whom the people are assembled before my feet, and I am the Seal (Aqib) and the Seal is the one who has no prophet after him."

Jabir, Samoreh son, may Allah be pleased with him, said,

"The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, 'Indeed I know a stone in Mecca that used to greet me with peace before I was sent, and I know it now.'"

Termizi via Ali, peace be upon him, said:
"I was with the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace,
in Mecca. We went to one of its outskirts and there was neither a mountain nor a tree except that they said, 'Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah.'"

Masood's son, said:

"During the time of the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, the moon split into two parts. One part was at its summit and the other at its base. Whereupon the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, 'Bear witness.'"

Anas said, "The Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

'The speeding flash mount (Burack) was brought on the night of the Night Journey bridled and saddled, and backed away, so Gabriel asked: 'Do you do this to Muhammad? Indeed, no one more honorable than he before Allah has ever ridden you, and Burack started to perspire.'"

Anas also said, "The Prophet of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

While the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, and his Companions were in the neighborhood Zawra he called for a vessel in which there was water, whereupon he put his hand into it and the water started springing from underneath his fingers and the Companions made ablution." Qatada asked, 'Father of Hamza, how many were there?' He replied, "Approximately three hundred."

Abbas' son said,

"An Arab came to the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, and asked, 'How may I know that you are a prophet?' He replied,  'What if I may let you see this branch from this palm tree bear witness for me?' He replied, 'Yes.' So he called the branch and the branch came down from the tree and landed on the ground and kept hopping until it reached him then stood erect before him. Thereafter, the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, 'Return to your place', so it returned and the Arab embraced Islam."

 Jabir, Abdullah's son said,

"There was a trunk on which the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, stood by. When they made a pulpit for him, we heard a moaning sound coming from the trunk until the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, went down and placed his hand upon it and it then became quiet."

Hanzalah Huthaim's son said, "The Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, rubbed his (Hanzalah's) head with his hand and said, 'Blessings be upon you.'"

Thayan, the grandson of Hanzalah who reported the hadith via him, said, "I used to see Hanzalah and when a sheep with a swollen udder came to him, or a camel, or a human with a swelling. He would spit in his hand and rub it over his bald head and say, 'In the Name of Allah and through the traces of the hand of the Messenger of Allah,' Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, then rub the place that was swollen and the swelling went away."

Samura Jundob's son said, "We were with the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, and ate from a large dish from morning to night and from it ten people in succession would come to eat." It was asked, "From where was it refilled?" He answered, "What are you astonished about, it was not refilled except from there" and pointed toward the heaven.

Anas said, "Gabriel, Allah praised him, came to the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, while he was playing with the children. He took and overpowered him, then cut open his chest to remove his heart and from it he removed a black speck and said, 'This is satan's share of you.' Then he washed his heart in a golden basin with the water of Zam Zam. Thereafter he closed the heart, and put it in its place just as it had been. The children went running to his (foster) mother and said, "Muhammad has been killed!" Then they looked towards him and his color had changed." Anas said, "I used to see the traces of sewing on his chest."

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"I was preferred over the other prophets by six things: I was given the total of  eloquences, I was given victory through fearfulness (thereby no war), the spoils of war were made legitimate for me, and the entire earth is pure and a mosque for me, and I was sent for all creation, and I am the Seal of all the prophets."    

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"I was given victory through fearfulness (thereby no war), and I was given the total of eloquences, and while I was asleep the keys to the treasures of the earth were brought to me and placed between my hands."

Abu Hurayrah commented: The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised and gave him peace and his household, has left and you are spending it.

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"I am the father of the apportioning (Abu Al Kasim), Allah gives and I apportion."
And via Jabir:
"The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, 'You may name yourself with my name, but do not use my familiar name
for indeed I am the father of the apportioning (Abu Al Kasim) and I apportion between you.'"

Hafiz Abdullah ben Siddiq commented this demonstrates the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, distributed amongst his nation not only wealth but also the provision of knowledge, etc. and Allah knows best.

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"I am the Master of the Children of Adam on the Day of Judgement, and the first one for whom his tomb opens, and the first one to intercede, and the first one whose intercession is accepted."

Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"I am the first of people to emerge when they are revived, and I am their speaker when they arrive, and I am their bearer of glad tidings when they have lost hope. The Banner of Praise on that Day is in my hand and I am, with out boasting, the most honorable of the children of Adam before my Lord."

"I am the first of them to come when they are resurrected and I am their leader when they arrive, and I am their speaker when they are quiet, and I am their intercessor when they are arraigned, and I am their bearer of glad tidings when they are destitute. The Banner of Honor and the Keys of Paradise and the Banner of Praise on that Day are in my hand. I am the most honorable of the children of Adam before my Lord. I am attended by a thousand servants, they are as hidden or scattered pearls."

Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"My example and the examples of the prophets is as a man who built a house, completed and perfected it except for the place of one brick, so people kept entering and were amazed and said, 'If only that brick were in place!' The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, "I am the place of this brick and I came and sealed the prophethood."

The Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, "When the Day of Judgement arrives, I am, without boasting, the leader of the prophets and their speaker, and the owner of their intercession."

Abdullah son of Amru, son of As, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"My Pool is (a distance of) one month's travel and its corners are equal - its breadth and length are equal – its water is whiter than silver, its aroma is sweeter than musk, and its goblets are as (numerous as) the stars in the sky. Whosoever drinks from it will never thirst thereafter."

Abdullah Masood's son, said, that the Messenger of Allah said:

"None of you are but accompanied by a jinn and an angel." They said, "And you, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "And I, though Allah supported me over the jinn so he surrendered and does not order me except with good."

Masood's son said, that the Prophet of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"My life is good for you, you involve in modern matters and thereupon it is determined (by jurisprudence) to you, and my death is better for you because I am presented with your deeds, so what I see of good, I praise Allah, and what I see of evil, I ask Allah for your forgiveness."

Hafiz Abdullah son of Siddiq commented: the deeds of some sinners and all those who change the religion either in faith or action are not presented to him. When they come to the Pool to drink, it will be said to the Prophet, "You do not know what they changed after you." Thereupon he will reply, "Obliteration for those who changed after me."  

Jabir heard Omar son of Al Khattab say when he married the daughter of Imam Ali, "Aren’t you going to congratulate me, for I heard the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, say, 'On the Day of Judgement, every connection through relationship and lineage are severed except that of the connection of my relationships and my lineage.'"

Sa'ad son of Abi Waqqas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "I saw on the right side of the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, and on his left side on the day of the encounter at Uhud, two men clothed in white who fought in front of him, the fiercest of fighting. I have never seen them before or after" – meaning the two angels Gabriel and Michael, peace be upon both of them.   

Anas, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"I come to the door of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection and seek its opening so the guard asks (as a matter of protocol and also to enjoy hearing the Prophet) 'Who are you?' and I say, 'Muhammad' and he replies, "For you, I have been ordered to open and (I was ordered) not to open to anyone before you."

Abbas' son, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, was the most generous of people in giving good, and he was most generous in the month of Ramadan. The angel Gabriel, peace be upon him, would meet him every year during Ramadan before its end and review the entire Koran with the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace. When Gabriel met the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, he became more generous than the blessed wind."

Abi ad Darda, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"Say multiple supplications of praising upon me on the day of Friday because it is a day witnessed by angels, and there is no person who commences such supplication but it is presented to me until he concludes it." So I asked, "And even after death?" He replied, "Indeed, Allah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of prophets."

"Therefore the Prophet of Allah is alive receiving provision."

Aus son of Aus said:
"Amongst the best of your days is Friday. Adam was created in it, and his soul was also withdrawn in it, and in it the Horn will be blown, and in it the Day of the Lethal Shout. Therefore during that day say multiple supplications of praising upon me because your praising is presented to me." They said, "O Messenger of Allah, how is it that our praising is presented to you and you have decayed?" He replied, "Allah, the Mighty the Glorified, has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the prophets."

Lady Ayesha, Allah is pleased with her, said:

"He never struck anything with his hand, neither woman nor a servant unless he struggled in the Path of Allah. He never took revenge unless the injunction of Allah was broken, then he would do so for the sake of Allah, the Mighty, the Glorified."

Anas, said, "I neither touched silk nor material softer than that of the palm of the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace. And I never smelt musk or amber more fragrant than the aroma of the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and gave peace."

Anas also said, "The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and gave peace, came to spend the mid-day with us and fell asleep and perspired, so my mother came with a small phial and collected it, whereupon the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, awoke and inquired of her, "Mother of Sulaym, what are doing?" She replied, "This perspiration is mixed with our perfume and it is the best of perfumes."

Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"No worshipper will be a believer until I am more beloved to him than his children, his father and people all together."

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"By He in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, there is no one of the nation - whether Jew or Christian - who hears about me then dies, who did not believe in what I have been sent with except that he will be among the inhabitants of Hell."

Al Miqdad son of Madikarib, said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and gave peace, on the Day of Khybar, forbade the consumption of things such as the domesticated donkey etc. Then he, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, "It is about a man sitting on his couch when he is informed with my speech and says, 'Between us and you is the Book of Allah. Whatever we found in it permissible we consider as permissible, and whatever we found in it forbidden, we consider it as forbidden.' Indeed what the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is as that which Allah has forbidden."

"Attention! Indeed I was given the Book and the like of it. Attention! Indeed I was given the Book and the like of it. And it is about a man who is replete upon his couch saying, 'Take this Koran, what you see legal in it, make it legal, and what you see of it forbidden, make it forbidden.'"

"Attention it is forbidden to consume the domesticated donkey ……"

"It is about a man amongst you who will belie me while he is reclining on his couch. When my speech reaches him he will say, 'What the Messenger of Allah said, leave it, and bring what is in the Koran.'"

Omar's son, may Allah be pleased with him, said, that the Prophet of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"I was given the keys of everything except for the five (then he recited the verse): 'Allah, He alone has knowledge of the Hour. He sends down the rain and He knows what is in the wombs. No soul knows what he will earn tomorrow; and no soul knows in which land it will die. Surely, Allah is the Knower, the Aware.'" 31.34 Koran.

"The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace,
Stood among us and he mentioned everything, leaving nothing out, that will occur up to the Day of Judgement. Some of us remember whereas others forget. When something occurred that I had forgotten, I would remember it just as a man recognizes the face of man he knew."

Abdullah son of Abbas said:
"During the time of the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, there was a blind man who had child and its mother would backbite and defame the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, so the blind man killed her. The matter was mentioned to Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, whereupon the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said, "I bear witness that her blood is of no value."

Abu Barzah said:
"I was with Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, and he was extremely upset about a man, so I said, 'O Caliph of the Messenger of Allah, permit me to slit his neck.' My word immediately removed his anger, and thereupon he stood up and went inside. Then he sent for me and asked, 'What did you just say?' I replied, 'Permit me to slit his neck.' So he asked, 'If I had ordered you to do so, would you have done it?' I replied, 'Yes'. So he said, 'No, by Allah, it is not for any human after the Messenger of Allah,' Allah praised him and his family and gave peace."

Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"Do you see my direction of prayer here? By Allah, your bowing and prostrating is not hidden from me, for indeed I see that which is behind my back."

Anas said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"O people, I am in front of you, so do precede me in bowing or prostrating because I see you in front of me and behind me."

Jabir said, that Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, came to the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, and said:

"We heard news from the Jews that we admire do you see that we should write some of it?" He replied, "Are you are in doubt as the Jews and Christians were in doubt? I brought it (the Koran) to you pure white. Had Moses been alive he would have had no choice other than to follow me."

Abu Hurayrah said, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, said:

"Indeed, the son of Mary will descend - a just ruler and fair imam - and during the Greater Pilgrimage and the Lesser Pilgrimage he will reside at (a place called) Faj. Indeed he will come to my tomb and greet me with peace and I will respond." 

Abu Hurayrah said,
"My nephews if you see him, tell Abu Hurayrah greets you will peace."

Abu Hurayrah said, the Prophet, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, was the best of people. He was of medium stature but on the taller side, and he was wide between the shoulders. His cheeks were smooth and well covered. His hair was jet-black. He had naturally mascared long eyelashes. When he walked he walked with his entire foot, having a high arch. When he took of his robe his shoulders appeared as crafted silver. When he laughed it was like a flash of light upon the wall. I have never seen anyone like him either before or after."

Abu Hurayrah also said:
"I have never seen anyone finer than the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace. His face was as radiant as the sun and I have never seen anyone walk faster or effortless than he, it was as if the earth shrank for him, while we had to make an effort."

Omar son of Abdullah the freed man by Ghafra said, "I was told by Ibrahim, son of Muhammad - from the children of Ali the son of Abi Talib - who said:

"When Ali, peace be upon him, described the Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, he said: The Messenger of Allah, Allah praised him and his family and gave peace, was neither tall nor short, he was of medium height. His hair was neither curly nor straight, rather it was uniformly dense.  He was neither overweight nor underweight and his face was almost round but not round. His complexion was wheaten or whitish with reddish tones. His eyelashes were long and naturally mascared. His head and shoulders were well proportioned and magnificent. The hair between his chest and navel was fine. He had muscular hands and shoulders. When he walked, his steps were as those taken going down a slope. When he looked at a person he turned completely to face him. Between his shoulders was the Seal of the Prophethood and he is the Seal of the prophets. He was the most generous of people at heart, and the most truthful in statement, and he had the most soft of personalities, and he was the most generous person to commune with. Whosever looked at him had great reverence for him, and whosoever associated with him would know that he loves him. Anyone who described him would say, 'I have never seen anyone like him either before or after him.'"

1. Description of Prophet via Imam Termizi

Lady Ayesha, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with her, described him as being more handsome than Prophet Joseph for whom the wives of Pharaoh's ministers slit their hands on account of his handsome appearance. She said: "If the friends of Zulayka had seen the blessed face of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, they would have cut their hearts instead of their hands!"

A portion of Prophet Muhammad's inner beauty manifested itself externally and illuminated his very being. Kurtubi, a great scholar of Islam, said that if his entire beauty had been made manifest, it would have been impossible for anyone to look at him.

The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, said: "The prophets were shown to me. I saw Moses, peace be upon him, he had a slender body, like a man from the tribe of Shanuah. I saw Jesus, peace be upon him, from all those I have seen, he resembles Urwah, the son of Masood. I saw Abraham, peace be upon him, and from all those I have seen I most resemble him .. "

His complexion has been described as being somewhat delicately wheaten in color or whitish with reddish tones. His face was luminous, almost round, but not round, and frequently compared to the beauty of the full moon when it reached its zenith.

He had a broad forehead and his eyebrows were separate and thick with densely fine hair. When the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, became displeased a vein between his eyebrows became enlarged. His eyes were jet-black and his eyelashes long, mascared with kohl made from ithmid that he applied thrice to each eye before sleeping. Our Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, tells us that: "... kohl made from ithmid used on the eye brightens the eyesight. Also, it strengthens and increases the growth of the eye lashes." His companions said that even when he did not use kohl, his eyes looked as if he had.

His nose was prominently distinguished. His cheeks were smooth and well covered whilst his proportionally perfect mouth was neither large nor yet small. His teeth were bright, slim and evenly spaced, however, the space between his front teeth was slightly larger. As for the thickness of his beard, it was dense.

His hair was uniformly dense, sometimes it was cut short and at other times he wore it nearly shoulder length. When his hair had the tendency to part itself in the middle he wore it that way, otherwise he did not dress it in that fashion. His habit was to use oil on his hair and in order not to soil his turban he would place a piece of cloth between it and his hair. When he went on pilgrimage to Mecca, he would shave his hair.

The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, would dress his hair and his beard using his right hand. It was not his practice to dress his hair every day, in fact, he prohibited it, unless there was a valid reason, and would dress his hair every third day.

2. Selection from the Cure (Shefa) by Judge Eyad
The complexion of Prophet Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him, was
radiant. His eyes were black, deep, widely set, and naturally mascaraed with a slight tinge of pink, accentuated by long eyelashes. His nose was distinctive and his teeth evenly spaced. His face was round with a broad forehead. His beard was thick and reached his chest. As for his chest and abdomen they were equal in size and his shoulders were broad as was his chest. His bones were large as were his arms. The palms of his hands were thick as were the soles of his feet. His fingers were long and his skin tone fair. The hair between his chest and navel was fine. He was of medium stature, however, when a tall person walked by his side the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, appeared to be the taller. As for his hair it was neither curly nor straight and when he laughed his teeth were visible like a flash of lightning, or, they have been described as white as hailstones. His neck was balanced, neither broad nor fat, as for his body it was firm and did not lack firmness in any limb.

Four samples of the authenticity of transmission through detailed notation and reference citations in the Arabic edition which is only of interest to scholars of hadith. However, the conclusion of all the hadith is that they are all authentic.
1. Reported by Termizi who said it is a fine hadith.

2. Reported by Ahmad and Bukhari in "The Book of History." Tabarani and Hakim classified it as being sound. Ibn Hajar classified it as a strong narration. I, (Hafiz Abdullah), add that it was also reported by Abu Hussain Bashraan's son from via him downstream by the son of Jowhzi in the book "The Repay of the Virtues of Al Mustapha" as follows:

The chain of this narration is also strong.

3. Reported in the Musnad of Al Hafiz Muhammad Madhya's son, the son of Omar Al Adnee who said, 'We were told by Muhammad, Jaffar's son, who said: I bear witness to this from my father, via his father, via his grandfather up to Ali with such transmission." This transmission, all its transmitters are from the family of the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him.

Tabarani also reported it in his middle dictionary of hadith while Abu Naem reported it in his book "The Proofs of the Prophethood" as did Asakir's son in a very large book of history. It is also similar to a hadith reported via Lady Ayesha, wife of the Prophet, Mother of Believers and via Abbas's son, and may Allah be pleased with them.

4. Reported by Muslim and Termizi who said this hadith is authentic.

6. Please note: we did not translate number 6 and adjusted the numbers from 42 to 41 since Hafiz Abdullah ordered that this quotation be removed as it is found not be authentic and had been inserted in error.


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