Friday 13 September 2013

Definitive Handbook of Islamic Joy Sex thru Marriage

The Definitive Handbook of Islamic Joy, Sex thru Marriage

Table of Contents

We hope we have guided you in the physical pleasure to get ready for the spiritual pleasure, which is the real everlasting pleasure.
This chapter honors the Islamic American traditions to marry, and believes it is the utmost goal for every person, and any practices short of this should be Islamalized and upgraded to such high rank that upholds our Islamic American values. This book was written to help to convert to the best kind of Islamic family.
If you like to improve on the pleasure and joy sex from your spouse, maybe the section entitled “Islamic Sex and Pleasure: What is permitted? What is not permitted?” Is for you to enjoy. was the first and is the largest Islamic site on the web. During the past decade we received a large amount of inquiries about sexual practices from marriage to one-night-stands and instead of listing these questions and answers, it was decided to produce a manual to address the inquirers thoughts.
1. What is sex for?
In a short answer to have legal (Islamic) babies to protect the human race and as an incentive both male and female get the bonus of pleasure (stay tuned, you will be surprised when we list the maximum amount of pleasure you can have). However, Islamic babies are the most important reason for having sex and it is the focus of this book.
2. Islamic marriage methodology has to be applied
3. The difference between an Islamic marriage and non-Islamic marriage Islamic methodology has to be applied which is simply:
1. Give the bride a dowry. 
If she is a Muslim virgin from a Muslim father, then the father’s approval is needed in advance. (A Muslim virgin: this is a terminology meaning never married before even if she sinned and had sex before the father’s approval is needed in advance and she can get his approval by his proxy or directly verbally from the father)
We also recommend a notarized, irrevocable Islami8.Marriage affidavit
Pronouncement: “Zawajtuka Nafsi” (I gave myself in marriage) and “Qabelt” (I accept)
Two honest, male Muslims must be witnesses before having sex. 
According to the instructions of Allah and His Prophet (sa), a Muslim girl cannot marry a non-Muslim boy. (This is not our fabrication, again it is that of Allah and His Prophet (sa), therefore the only way out is for the boy to convert to the Islam). 
When a married couple convert from either Christianity or Judaism and were married according to their previous religious rites, their marriage is still valid in Islam so they do not have to remarry.
Power of attorney to act on a bride or groom’s behalf is allowed, even if the couple are far from each other.
The prospective bride and groom must not be under age.
Check both health (blood test, etc.) and the financial ability of the prospective husband, since he is the maintainer of the family.
Islam introduced strenuous and tough conditions to marry more than one wife and the percentage of polygamy is less than 1% in Islamic world and the maximum wives permitted is four. Since there is no Islamic law in USA it will be Islamic to have one wife since Islam encourages people to abide by the laws of the non-Muslim country in which they live.
2. Notarized irrevocable Islamic-Marriage affidavit
We HIGHLY recommend a notarized irrevocable letter of understanding or notarized irrevocable Islamic-Marriage affidavit that states:
1.     They are getting into this transaction to avoid any false claim of rape.
2.     That no abortion will be conducted on an unborn child.
3.     Pregnancy prevention is allowed but abortion is not allowed, since the baby’s heart starts beating in the first few weeks. 
4.     Having Muslim children is good thing and makes the Prophet (sa) proud of you.
5.     The faith of the child is Islamic
6.     The birth certificate mentions the full name of each parent.
7.     Both will contribute to the welfare of the child and bring him/her up as a good Muslim and sound citizen.
8.     The child will not be given in adoption, because Islam does not allow it.
9.     A child can be fostered only by a Muslim caring party
10.   In case of death, the child will be given only into Islamic care or orphanage in USA or abroad.
11.   All Islamic jurisprudence and its laws and regulations are applicable.
12.   Add any other rules deemed Islamic they may agree upon.
3. How people are marrying, and how to convert their marriage to comply with Islamic methodology.
There are many ways to accomplish this and all are practiced.
1.     If both are born in an Islamic society or in the west to both Muslims families and marry according to Islam then register it in courts to extend the legal rights of the civil society. This is the best way and is strongly recommended.
2.     If the girl is not Muslim there is no need for a Muslim guardian, but it is recommended.
3.     If she is Muslim, and her family are not Muslim, then she must seek a Muslim guardian approved from her neighborhood, i.e. Mosque’s Imam or respected honest person who knows her.
4.     Marry the old fashion way, get a license and register in court. However, this is not Islamic till you add to it the Islamic methodology of giving dowry, guardian (for Muslim virgin with Muslim father), wording and witnessing. You must do it before having sex and if you failed to do so, apply the Islamic methodology as soon as possible while both must ask for forgiveness from Allah.
5.     Common law marriage when two just move in and live together and practice sex. This is not an Islamic till you add to it the Islamic methodology of giving dowry, guardian (for Muslim virgin with Muslim father), wording and witnessing. You must do it before having sex and if you failed to do so, apply the Islamic methodology as soon as possible while both must ask for forgiveness from Allah.
6.     Dating while having sex. This is not an Islamic till you add to it the Islamic methodology of giving dowry, guardian (for Muslim virgin with Muslim father), wording and witnessing. You must do it before having sex and if you failed to do so, apply the Islamic methodology as soon as possible while both must ask for forgiveness from Allah.
8.     One-night-stand. Islam strongly discourages people from committing such irresponsible acts. Islam encourages people and society to establish sound and happy families and live happily ever after. However, if one is faced with a situation of committing fornication and/or adultery for the male, one is encouraged to perform a marriage methodology which includes: dowry, guardian (for Muslim virgin with Muslim father), wording and witnessing and extend it from one night to in indefinite nights. You must do it before having sex and if you failed to do so, then you have already committed a sin. Apply the Islamic methodology as soon as possible while both must ask for forgiveness from Allah and would like to live longer than one night to convert into a good long lasting relationship. If this is not done, it is pure fornication. See below number 8. Muslims who marry outside of Islam and have sex will be subject to punishment
4. What is the Islamic way of marriage?
In the same way that it is unnecessary for a clerk to be present or a visit to the mosque to convert to Islam, an Islamic marriage can take place without these factors 
Once you do embrace Islam all your sins are forgiven and exchanged by rewards and merits as long as you keep the daily prayer, you fast and pay 2.5% of your annual saving to poor people and visit Mecca on Hajj season once in life time once you are able.
1.     The basic Islamic marriage is a verbal agreement
2.     Both agree to marry
3.     Guardian and his approval are required if she is a virgin Muslim
4.     Two male Muslims witnesses
5.     Dowry
6.     Statement of
7.     “I gave myself to you in Marriage”: Zawajtuka Nafsi upon payment of the dowry of $###.## according the Religion of Islam and the ways of Prophet Muhammad, praise and peace upon him.
8.     “I accepted”: Qabelt
If a power-of-attorney is used by the father’s representative or the would-be wife, then say:
“I give her with the power of attorney trusted in me: zawajtika muwakilati upon the payment of a dowry of $ ###.## according the Religion of Islam and the ways of Prophet Muhammad, praise and peace upon him. “I accept”: Qabelt
5. Her rights
1.     Food
2.     Cloth
3.     Shelter
4.     Sexual function and activity. If within 6 months they cease to have a sexual activity, she may go to the scholar who performed her marriage ceremony and ask for separation.
6. Islamic Sex and Pleasure: What is permitted? What is not permitted?
A. Prophetic Way
All prophets had sexual intercourse in one way, which is simply, and remember prophets were given the power of many men.
Start with a supplication for a goodly baby
In ablution status
Getting under a sheet on the bed and start playing, then penetrate only the front from any direction, till both received their share of pleasure.
Then they lay on the right side for a while.
If decided to repeat, they wash their privates first.
This is then followed by taking a major Islamic shower. 
And avoid facing or giving backs to the prayer direction 
B. Western Common people ways of sex
Follow the way of the prophets as much as you can.
If want more read on:
10. Sex made easy for common people with an Islamic prospective
·       Stop at once to observe the obligatory prayer. If it is Ramadan then intercourse must not take place after the time for fasting has commenced. 
·       Blood test should be performed for safety 
·       One should shower before and after 
·       Make ablution 
·       One is recommended to wash privates before any repeat 
·       Lay for a while on right side after intercourse - perhaps hugging 
·       Tongue scrapping and mouth cleaning is recommended. 
·       All skin loving while standing and massage is recommended. 
·       Both should work equally to please the other and reach a climax. 
·       Should communicate to each other about feelings and guide each other for more pleasure and satisfaction. 
Sex Tools’ Regulations
Do not follow the sex tools manual, which are against the Islamic regulations 
Who administrates what: male administrates female tools and female administrates male tools No self-usage, or self service, or self pleasure No same sex, no group sex, no sex with forbidden relatives (sisters, mothers, daughters etc) Oral sex is not honorable, and Koran refers to liquid there as “maa’ maheen” which is not nice. 
No anal sex, no tools for anal sex for either man or woman
Yes for kissing, licking massaging etc. all the body except anal and sex organs.
No anal penetration but okay to penetrate the vagina from the back direction No self-masturbation with or without tools
Okay to masturbate each other, occasionally, not to be the norm! 
During sex it is not recommended for a woman to massage her breasts or private parts, it is preferable for her husband to do this under her guidance and she in turn work her hands over his body, if she is in state of enjoyment and does not think and touched herself is okay as long as she is in action with him, since this is forbidden that she practices this alone as a self service that leads to masturbation which is forbidden.
7. An example of a man and wife’s sex session
As you know the timing of orgasm is usually is different, so we have to keep this in consideration.
A. Environment
Nice place, use the light, candle, red/any color see through cloth, fire place etc., what ever makes both of you happy.
A shower is highly recommended
Clean fresh cloth
All body odors removed 
Cleansing the tongue, use a tongue scraper and mouth wash
Keep your regular dentist teeth cleaning visits and teeth whiting
Perfumes and bubble gum
Fined a flavor you like – ice cream, chocolate - to eat together so you can lick each other
B. Be creative
For example if you get tired of resting on your arms and knees, make a love table that is leveled to your organ height so you can penetrate while your hands are free and no discomfort to one’s knee so you can use your hands applying more loving touches, there are even suspensions (like sleeping net bed) that hold the female into positions for the fun of it. There are about 106 lovemaking positions.
Both should participate and not cease before both have enjoyed an arousal and passionate activities etc.
C. The female three pleasurable areas
A mature girl can be aroused in one hour in a lab 134 times while a mature man can arouse 17 times in one hour. 
The lady pleasure areas mainly three in the Vagina
1.Clitoris (like a nut some call it miniature penis) outside on the top area of the vagina
2.G- Spot – located beyond Clitoris inside the vaginal upper front area
3.The Cervix, the mouth of the Uterus (womb), kind of the bottom of the vagina 
Husband to handle them with his left head (not the right hand) and with his organ …
The best two practical tools are the male organ ring which is a soft rubber hose having both ends fastened together via a bead which works as adjustment, WARNING its usage is ONLY no more than 20 minutes a session to stop a male from ejaculating. 
The second tool is any battery-charged multi speed vibrator to be put outside on top of the wife’s clitoris during (or before and after) the intercourse will add great enhancement to the pleasure.
Another tip for the couple is that the wife motionless but she should use her hands to message her husband and move her hips at different speed while using her vagina to grip her husband organ, which will also add pleasure for the couple. However the speed and excitement can vary for mutual comfort of the couple. 
Matured sisters:
With older age and daily pollutions, it one may experience vaginal dryness, which is no big deal, if handled properly. A great tip for any wife in this area is to follow:
1) Get a plastic tube with a smooth surface and no rough edges about the size of a tampon.
2) Poke a hole in one end in order to fix a string by puncturing one end with a hot needle.
3) Fix the string securely so that if you tug it the string will not detach from the plastic tube.
4) Get a standard house hold sponge that you can shape to insert into the plastic tube. Shape the sponge by trimming it to an approximate size of the tube.
5) Insert the dry sponge into the tube.
6) Apply hot water to the sponge soaking it.
7) Lightly lubricate the tube for easy insertion into the vagina.
8) Insert tube 10 - 15 minute prior to the marriage act (love making).
This allows the vagina to be warm and slick before the sex act. Apply additional lubrication by hand on front ring of the vagina (point of entry). Make sure to use an antiseptic cleanser on all tools after every use to prevent infection. Lastly, DO NOT reveal your secret to your husband, and the husband should have decency and not question the circumstance.
Finally we highly recommend the couple should not share the rest room with one another during the call of nature, in order not to cause future dislike between each other. However, this does not apply for the shower.
All aspects of foreplay and sexual intercourse will covered, along with basic information on safe sex, male and female sex organs, and sexual response. To complete this Sex Guide, will expand your lovemaking horizons.
d. Three Steps for Extended Pleasure
A couple after having an intimate encounter may wish to engage in the marriage-act again following ejaculation. The following steps may be repeated multiple times based on the preference of the couple:
1) The couple should first observe hygiene washing the private area 
cleaning themselves of excess discharge and make ablution (this is not good for prayer) in order to freshen up and to make love again.
2) Since there are lot of liquid in the female organ after first ejaculation, the male has to start drying his organ during making love in this way: after every dip he dries his organ using paper towels or a towel, no body knows this nice how-to. Thanks for an elder Muslim in Chicago who told me when I informed him about this book, great tip!
If this is not done both the male and female may experience a lose in sensitivity, reducing pleasure, due to excess liquid from first sexual ejaculation.
3) Lastly, a warm washcloth (small towels) may be applied to the male genitals to assist in re-erection. The washcloth may be heated in the microwave or by using hot water from faucet.
The couple must keep in mind NOT to look to closely or examine one 
another’s private parts. This is disliked Islamically and may cause hostility or bad feelings between the couple. This type of base physical familiarity breeds contempt.
Remember having “erection” is not a must to enjoy making love. If husband continues moving his organ outside over his wife’s organ both will enjoy and maybe sooner erection can start. Lubrication is must in any re-play and both can be over each other or alternate. Also, if the husband uses his fingers to play with her Clitoris (like a nut some call it miniature penis) outside on the top area of her vagina, she will enjoy and the pleasue can happen several times for her. However, you have to be delecate and handle lightly not with force.
8. Muslims who marry outside of Islam and have sex will be subject to punishment
A. Koranic Verses that speak of punishing those who practice fornication
Allah, the Exalted says:
25 … Marry them with the permission of their people and give them their wages (dowry) honorably being women in marriage and chaste, not taking lovers. … That is for those of you who fear fornication, but it is better for you to be patient. Allah is the Forgiver, the Most Merciful.
26 Allah wishes to make this clear to you and to guide you along the ways of those who have gone before you, and turns towards you. And Allah is the Knower, the Wise.
27 Allah wishes to turn towards you, but those who follow their lower desires wish you to greatly swerve away.
5 The good things have this day been made lawful to you. The (non slaughtered) food of those to whom the Book was given is lawful to you, and your food is lawful to them. Lawful to you (in marriage) are the free believing women and the free women from among those who were given the Book before you, provided that you give them their dowries in marriage, neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses. Whosoever denies the belief, his labors will be annulled. In the Everlasting Life he is of the losers.
32 Do not draw near to fornication, for it is an indecency, and its way is evil.
28 Allah wishes to lighten for you (the jurisprudence), and humans are created weak.
25 The Criterion - Al-Furqan
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful
1 Blessed is He who has sent down the Criterion to His worshiper (Prophet Muhammad), that he is a warner to all mankind;
2 to whom the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs, who has not taken a son, nor does He have an associate in the Kingdom, and He created everything, then He ordained it very precisely.
3 Yet they worship, other than Him, gods which cannot create anything and were themselves created. They own neither harm nor benefit for themselves, neither do they own death nor life, nor a resurrection.
4 The unbelievers say: 'This is but a falsehood he has forged – another nation has helped him.' So they have come with wrong and falsehood.
5 They say: 'He has written tales of the ancients, they are recited to him at dawn and at the evening.'
6 Say: 'It was sent down by Him who knows the secrets of heavens and earth. He is Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
47 It is He who has appointed the night a mantle for you and sleep for a rest. The day He has appointed for rising.
48 It is He who loosens the winds, bearing glad tidings before the Hands of His Mercy, and We have sent down pure water from the heaven,
49 so, that with it We revive dead lands and provide drink for the cattle and the human We created.
50 We have indeed turned it about them, so that they remember; yet most people refuse all except disbelief.
51 Had it been Our will, We could have raised a warner in every village.
52 So do not obey the unbelievers, but struggle mightily with it (the Koran).
53 It was He who let forth the two seas, this one is palatably sweet and this salt, a bitter taste, and He set a barrier between them, and a refuge which is forbidden.
54 And it is He who created the human from water and gave him kindred of blood and of marriage. Your Lord is the Powerful.
55 Yet they (the unbelievers) worship, other than Allah, that which can neither benefit nor harm them. Surely, the unbeliever is ever a partisan against his Lord.
56 We did not send you but as a bearer of glad tidings and as a warner.
57 Say: 'I demand of you no wage for this except for he who wishes to take the Path to his Lord.'
58 Put your trust in the All Living who never dies, and exalt with His praise, He is sufficiently aware of His worshipers' sins.
59 (It is) He who, in six days created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them, and then He willed to the Throne. The Merciful; ask about Him from he who knows Him.
60 When it is said to them: 'Prostrate yourselves before the Merciful', they ask: 'And what is the Merciful? Shall we prostrate ourselves to whatever you bid us?' And it increases their aversion.
61 Blessed be He who has set the constellations in the heaven, and set amongst them a sun, and an illuminating moon.
62 It is He who has made the night and day follow each other for those whom He desires to remember or He desires to be thankful.
63 The worshipers of the Merciful are those who walk humbly on the earth, and when the ignorant address them say: 'Peace,'
64 who pass the night prostrating and standing to their Lord.
65 Who say: 'Our Lord, turn from us the punishment of Gehenna, for its punishment is the most terrible;
66 it is an evil settling, and an evil residence.'
67 who when they spend are neither wasteful nor miserly, between that is a just stand,
68 who do not call upon another god with Allah, nor slay the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right; who do not fornicate, for he who does this shall face punishment
69 doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection is his punishment, and therein he shall live, humbled,
70 except he who repents and believes and does good works - those, Allah will change their evil deeds into good deeds; Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.
71 He who repents and does good works truly turns to Allah in repentance,
72 and those who do not bear false witness, and when they pass by idle talk, pass by with honor
73 and who when they are reminded of the verses of their Lord, they do not fall down deaf and blind.
74 Those who say: 'Lord give us of our wives and children what pleases our eyes and make us leaders to the fearful.'
75 Those shall be recompensed with the highest rank for their patience. There they shall receive a greeting, and peace!
76 There they shall live for ever; a fine dwelling place, and residence.
77 Say: 'My Lord cares little for you if it was not for your supplication, indeed you have belied (the Messenger and the Koran) so it (the punishment) will be fastened.'
24 2 You shall scourge the fornicatress and the fornicator each with a hundred lashes. According to the religion of Allah, let no tenderness for them seize you if you believe in Allah and the Last Day; and let their punishment be witnessed by a party of believers. (This is not applicable in non-Islamic land)
B. Prophetic Quotations that speaks of punishing those who practice fornication
Avoid doing harm.
Because indeed, doing harm is darkness
on the Day of Resurrection.
Safeguard yourselves against miserliness,
For miserliness has ruined nations before you.
It incited them to murder 
and to treating unlawful sexual practice
(i.e. fornication and sodomy) as lawful.
{Ref Muslimun with a chain up to Jabir who related that the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, said the above}
Any share of fornication of the son of Adam 
is written and no doubt he will reach it:
The fornication of the eyes is looking
at that which is forbidden.
The fornication of the ears is listening
to that which is forbidden.
The fornication of the tongue is saying
that which is forbidden.
The fornication of the hand is grasping
that which is forbidden.
The fornication of the feet is walking
to that which is forbidden.
The fornication of the heart yearns and desires
and the genitals either confirm it or contradict it.
{Ref. 1667 Muslimun with a chain up to Abu Hurairah who related that the Messenger of Allah, praise and veneration be upon him, said the above}
Have Halal Fun. And here is how to introduce your spouse to Islam
c. Prophet Joseph refused to fornicate, and even entered the jail instead.
12 The Prophet Joseph -Yusuf

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful
[12.1] AlifLaamRa. Those are the verses of the Clear Book.
[12.2] We have sent it down, an Arabic Koran, in order that you understand.
[12.3] In the sending down of this Koran, We will narrate to you (Prophet Muhammad) the best of narratives, of which you were previously unaware.
[12.4] When Joseph said to his father: 'Father, I saw eleven planets, and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating themselves before me. '
[12.5] He said: 'O my son, say nothing of this vision to your brothers lest they should cunningly plot against you indeed, satan is the clear enemy of the human,
[12.6] so your Lord will choose you and teach you the interpretation of visions, and perfect His Favor upon you and upon the House of Jacob, as He perfected it on
your fathers Abraham and Isaac before you. Your Lord is Knowing, Wise.
[12.7] Indeed, in Joseph and his brothers there were signs for those who inquire.
[12.8] They said: 'Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than ourselves, even though we are many. Truly, our father is obviously wrong.
[12.9] (Let us) kill Joseph, or cast him away in some (far off) land, so that your father's face will be left for you, and afterwards you will be a righteous nation. '
[12.10] One of them said: 'No, do not kill Joseph, if you do anything, cast him into a dark pit, a traveler will pick him up. '
[12.11] They said: 'Father, what is the matter with you, do you not trust us with Joseph? Indeed, we are sincere advisors.
[12.12] Send him with us tomorrow to frolic and play. We will look after him. '
[12.13] He said: 'It grieves me to let him go with you, for I fear lest the wolf should devour him when you are not paying attention to him. '
[12.14] They said: 'We are many, if a wolf devours him, then we are losers! '
[12.15] When they went with him, they agreed to put him in the bottom of a well. We revealed to him: 'You shall tell them of what they did when they are not aware
(it is you). '
[12.16] At nightfall, they returned weeping to their father.
[12.17] They said: 'We went racing and left Joseph with our things. The wolf devoured him, but you will not believe us, though we speak the truth. '
[12.18] And they brought his shirt (stained) with blood, a lie. He said: 'No, your souls have tempted you to do something. But come sweet patience! The help of
Allah is always there to seek against that which you describe. '
[12.19] Thereafter travelers came, and sent their waterman. And when he had let down his pail, (he cried:) 'Rejoice, a boy! ' Then they concealed him among their
merchandise, but Allah knew what they did.
[12.20] Then, they sold him for a trifling price, a number of dirhams, because they considered him to be of little value.
[12.21] The Egyptian that bought him said to his wife: 'Make his stay honorable. He may benefit us, or take him for our son. ' As such We established Joseph in the
land, so that We might teach him the interpretation of visions. Allah prevails in His affairs, though most people do not know.
[12.22] And when he reached maturity, We bestowed on him judgment and knowledge. As such We recompense those who do good.
[12.23] And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him and closed the doors saying: 'Come! ' 'In Allah is my refuge! ' he replied. 'My Lord has made my
dwelling a good one. Harmdoers never prosper. '
[12.24] She desired him, had he not been shown the proof of his Lord he would have taken her. But We turned him away from evil and abomination, for he was one
of Our sincere worshipers.
[12.25] They raced to the door and she tore his shirt from behind. And by the door, they met her husband whereupon she said: 'What is the recompense of one
whose intent is evil against your people other than being imprisoned, or sternly punished! '
[12.26] He (Joseph) said: 'It was she who sought to seduce me, ' and a witness (an infant) of her people bore witness, saying: 'If his shirt is torn from the front, she is
speaking the truth and he is one of the liars,
[12.27] but, if his shirt is torn from behind, she lied, and he is of the truthful. '
[12.28] And when he saw his shirt torn at the back, he said: 'This is one of your (women's) guiles. Your guile, (O woman), is great indeed!
[12.29] Joseph, turn away from this. And you, ask forgiveness for your sin. You are indeed one of the sinners. '
[12.30] Certain women in the city said: 'The Governor's wife has sought to seduce her servant. He has made her heart stricken with love for him. Clearly, we
perceive her to be in error. '
[12.31] When she heard of their sly whispers, she sent for them and prepared a banquet. To each she gave a knife, (then called Joseph saying:) 'Come and attend to
them. ' When they saw him, they were so taken with him that they cut their hands, and said: 'Allah save us! This is no mortal, he is no other but a noble angel! '
[12.32] Whereupon she said: 'Now you see, this is he on whose account you blamed me. Yes, I sought to seduce him, but he was unyielding. If he declines to do
what I command, he shall be imprisoned and be one of the humiliated. '
[12.33] He supplicated: 'Lord, prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me. Yet if You do not shield me from their guile I shall yield to them and be one of
the ignorant. '
[12.34] His Lord answered him and He turned their guile away from him. Indeed, He is the Hearer, the Knower.
[12.35] Then it seemed good to them, even after they had seen the signs, that they should imprison him for some time.
[12.36] Two young men went to prison with him. One of them said: 'I saw (in a vision) that I was pressing grapes. ' And the other said: 'I saw (in a vision) that I was
carrying bread upon my head, and that birds ate of it. Tell us its interpretation, for we can see you are among the good. '
[12.37] He said: 'Before any food comes to feed either of you, I will give you its interpretation. That which I will tell you has been taught to me by Allah. I reject the
belief of a nation who do not believe in Allah and disbelieve in the Everlasting Life.
[12.38] I follow the creed of my fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is not for us to associate anything with Allah. Such is the favor of Allah to us, and to
mankind. Yet most people do not give thanks.
[12.39] My fellowprisoners, say which is better, many gods at variance, or Allah the One, the Conqueror?
[12.40] That which you worship, other than Him, are nothing but names which you and your fathers have named and for which Allah has sent down no authority.
Judgement rests with Allah alone. He has commanded you to worship none except Him. That is the right religion, yet most people do not know.
[12.41] My fellowprisoners, one of you will pour wine for his lord whereas the other will be crucified, and birds will peck at his head. The matter you inquired about
has been decided.
[12.42] And he said to the one of the two who he knew would be saved: 'Mention me in the presence of your lord. ' But satan made him forget to mention him to his
master, so that he remained in prison for a certain number years.
[12.43] The king said: 'I saw in a vision seven fatted cows being devoured by seven lean ones; and seven green ears of corn and seven others withered. My
counselors, tell me the meaning of my vision, if you can interpret visions. '
[12.44] They said: 'They are confused nightmares, nor do we know anything of the interpretation of visions. '
[12.45] After all that time, the one of the two who had been saved remembered, he said: 'I will interpret it for you, so let me go. '
[12.46] (He said:) 'Joseph, the truthful, tell us of the seven fatted cows that were devoured by seven lean ones also of the seven green ears of corn and the other
seven which were withered, so that I can go back to the people and then they will then know. '
[12.47] He replied: 'You shall sow for seven years as is your way. Leave in the ear (of corn) you reap, except a little which you eat.
[12.48] Thereafter, seven hard years will come upon you which will consume all but little of that which you have stored.
[12.49] Then, there will come a year in which people are helped, in which the people will press. '
[12.50] The king said: 'Bring him before me. ' But when the king's envoy came to him, he said: 'Go back to your lord and ask him: "What about the women who cut
their hands. Indeed, my Lord knows their guile. '
[12.51] 'What was your business, women, ' he asked, 'when you solicited Joseph? ' 'Allah save us! ' they replied. 'We know no evil against him. ' The Governor's
wife said: 'The truth has been discovered at last; I solicited him; he is among the truthful.
[12.52] This (I have done) so that he will know I did not secretly betray him, and that Allah does not guide the guile of the treacherous.
[12.53] Yet I do not consider my soul was innocent, surely the soul incites to evil except to whom my Lord has mercy; indeed, my Lord is Forgiving, the Most
Merciful. '
[12.54] The king said: 'Bring him before me. I will assign him to myself. ' And when he had spoken with him he said: 'Today, you are firmly established in both our
favor and trust. '
[12.55] He (Joseph) said: 'Give me charge of the storehouses of the land, I am a knowledgeable guardian. '
[12.56] And as such We established Joseph in the land to live wherever he liked. We bestow Our Mercy on whom We will, and We never waste the wage of the
[12.57] Indeed, the reward of the Everlasting Life is better for those who believe and are cautious.


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